The Financial Stability Authority’s operations 

The legislation governing the Authority’s operations 

The operations, duties, administration and management of the Financial Stability Authority and the deposit guarantee scheme are governed by the Act on the Financial Stability Authority. The Authority’s duties pertaining to resolution are also governed by the Act on the Resolution of Credit Institutions and Investment Firms and the EU’s Resolution Regulation. 

There are also several EU-level guidelines and regulations applicable to the Financial Stability Authority’s operations. Examples of these include the guidelines and standards of the European Banking Authority and the Single Resolution Board, which are aimed at harmonising the operations of European authorities and authorities in the euro area. 

The Financial Stability Authority’s operations are guided by its rules of procedure confirmed by the Director General, which include more detailed provisions on the Authority’s internal organisation and the management of its duties. The rules of procedure stipulate that the Authority’s operations are divided into three units: the Resolution Unit, the Deposit Guarantee and Emergency Supply Unit, and the Administrative Services and Financial Stability Fund Unit. 

Financial Stability Authority's rules of procedure (in Finnish)

The operations of the Financial Stability Authority are guided by the Authority’s strategy, the performance agreement concluded annually with the Ministry of Finance (link to planning documents) and annual internal operating plans. 

The Financial Stability Authority’s strategy for 2021–2023 is divided into three levels. The first level presents the Authority's mission: we protect taxpayers and society from the effects of banking crises. The second level presents the Authority’s basic duties: we maintain a credible deposit guarantee scheme and resolution system, we secure daily payments in all circumstances by maintaining and developing a National Emergency Account System, we influence regulatory development through our expertise. The third level states our vision and development focus 2025-2028: prepared for all crises!

Image: FFSA strategy 2025–2028. 

The Financial Stability Authority’s strategy map for 2025–2028 is divided into three levels. The first level presents the Authority's basic duties: maintaining a credible deposit guarantee scheme and resolution system, securing daily payments in all circumstances by maintaining and developing a National Emergency Account System and influencing regulatory development through our expertise. The second level includes the Authority's operational priorities for the strategic period 2025–2028: ensuring the implementation capacity of resolution tools, ensuring the functioning of the National Emergency Account System in a changing operating environment, building and maintaining testing and training activities to verify and develop the crisis preparedness of authorities and financial institutions, communicating reliably and efficiently about our duties and powers, foreseeing the future, influencing the activities and regulation of EU authorities in a timely and effective manner, participating in projects to reform credit institution legislation and preparing for the implementation of new regulation, participating in the implementation of the recovery and resolution legislation of insurance companies in Finland. The third level of operational priorities covers all operations: we build a skilled and healthy work community where efficient processes and tools enable focus on the essential.

Image: FFSA’s operational priorities.

The management of the Financial Stability Authority 

The Financial Stability Authority is led by the Director General, appointed and dismissed by the Government. The Government appoints the Director General for a five-year term and two consecutive terms at most. If the Director General is prevented from attending to the required duties, these devolve to a deputy appointed by the Ministry of Finance. 

On 14 December 2023, the Finnish Government appointed Jaakko Weuro, Master of Laws, as Director General of the Financial Stability Authority (FFSA) for the next five-year tenure starting on 1 January 2024.

The Director General decides on the matters within the Authority’s purview. The Director General manages the operations of the Authority, is responsible for the achievement of the objectives of the Authority as well as its operational development and performance.  

The responsibilities of the Director General include, for example: 

  • Setting the objectives of the Authority, achieving the objectives and monitoring their achievement 
  • Developing FFSA as a workplace, developing its administration and FFSA’s human resource policy 
  • International cooperation and FFSA’s representation in European cooperative bodies 
  • FFSA’s communications 

The Financial Stability Authority has a Management Group defined in the rules of procedure confirmed by the Director General. The Management Group consists of the Director General as well as the Heads of the Resolution Unit, the Deposit Guarantee and Emergency Supply Unit and the Administrative Services and Financial Stability Fund Unit appointed by the Director General. The Management Group supports the Director General in the management and development of the Authority and monitors the drafting and implementation of the matters within the Authority’s purview.

The Head of the Resolution Unit is currently Anni-Mari Karvinen, M.Sc. (Econ.), the Head of the Deposit Guarantee and Emergency Supply Unit is Saija Kuivalainen, M.Soc.Sc. and the Head of the Administrative Services and Financial Stability Fund Unit is Jouni Flink, M.Soc.Sc. The duties of the heads of the units include managing the operations of their respective areas, being responsible for the achievement of the performance targets of their unit and carrying out supervisory tasks. The heads of the units operate under the Director General.

The Authority’s other administrative bodies  

The Financial Stability Authority has an Advisory Board consisting of representatives appointed by the Authority, the Ministry of Finance, the Bank of Finland and the Financial Supervisory Authority. The task of the Advisory Board is to secure cooperation and communication between the above-mentioned authorities in matters falling within the competence of the Authority. The Ministry of Finance appoints the Advisory Board (in Finnish) for three years at a time. 

The Financial Stability Fund, managed by the Authority, has a Board that decides on the risk management, investment planning and principles of the Fund and directs the investment of the assets. The Ministry of Finance appoints the Board for three years at a time. At least two of the members of the Board, and their deputies, are appointed based on proposals made by the advocacy organisations of credit institutions and amalgamations of deposit banks. 

Funding and operating costs 

The costs arising from the Financial Stability Authority’s operations are covered by administrative fees collected from the institutions under its purview.  The fees are governed by the Act on the Financial Stability Authority’s Administrative Fees.  

Administrative fees are collected annually at an amount that, at most, equals the costs specified in the Financial Stability Authority’s confirmed budget.