Banks within the scope of the deposit guarantee
The functioning and scope of deposit guarantee schemes is harmonised by EU regulations, and there is also a lot of cross-border cooperation on deposit guarantee issues between the relevant authorities and deposit guarantee schemes to harmonise their operations. The deposits of each deposit bank are within the scope of the deposit guarantee scheme of its home country.
More information on the responsibilities of the deposit guarantee schemes of different countries
All Finnish deposit banks are within the scope of the Finnish deposit guarantee scheme, which is maintained by the Financial Stability Authority (FFSA). From the perspective of deposit guarantees, the OP Group, the POP Bank Group and the Savings Banks Group are each considered to be one bank. This is due to the fact that the banks belonging to these groups are fully or partially liable for each other’s commitments and obligations within the group.
The FFSA maintains a list of deposit guarantees concerning banks that operate in Finland. Refer to the list to find out which public authority is responsible for the deposit guarantees concerning your bank.
Can’t find your bank on the list? Please contact the FFSA by e-mail.
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of the Finnish deposit guarantee authority, i.e. the Financial Stability Authority.
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of the Finnish deposit guarantee authority, i.e. the Financial Stability Authority.
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of Riksgälden, the Swedish deposit guarantee authority.
In a compensation event, the FFSA executes the payment of compensation to the depositors of the Finnish branch in accordance with the instructions issued by the deposit guarantee scheme of the bank’s home country.
More information: Riksgälden (Sweden)
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of Tagatisfond, the Estonian deposit guarantee authority.
In a compensation event, the FFSA executes the payment of compensation to the depositors of the Finnish branch in accordance with the instrsuctions issued by the deposit guarantee scheme of the bank’s home country.
More information: Tagatisfond (Estonia)
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of the Irish deposit guarantee authority.
In a compensation event, the FFSA executes the payment of compensation to the depositors of the Finnish branch in accordance with the instructions issued by the deposit guarantee scheme of the bank’s home country.
More information: DGS, Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of the French deposit guarantee scheme FGDR.
In a compensation event, the FFSA executes the payment of compensation to the depositors of the Finnish branch in accordance with the instructions issued by the deposit guarantee scheme of the bank’s home country.
More information: Fonds de Garantie des Dépôts (France)
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of the Danish deposit guarantee authority Finansiel Stabilitet.
In a compensation event, the FFSA executes the payment of compensation to the depositors of the Finnish branch in accordance with the instructions issued by the deposit guarantee scheme of the bank’s home country.
More information: Finansiel Stabilitet (Denmark)
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of Bankenes Sikringsfond, the Norwegian deposit guarantee scheme.
In a compensation event, the FFSA executes the payment of compensation to the depositors of the Finnish branch in accordance with the instructions issued by the deposit guarantee scheme of the bank’s home country.
More information: Bankenes Sikringsfond (Norway)
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of Bankenes Sikringsfond, the Norwegian deposit guarantee scheme. The Financial Stability Authority is not party to any compensation processes.
More information: Bankenes Sikringsfond (Norway)
Deposits are guaranteed up to 1,050,000 Swedish krona.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of Riksgälden, the Swedish deposit guarantee authority.
The Financial Stability Authority is not party to any compensation processes.
More information: Riksgälden (Sweden)
Deposits are guaranteed up to 1,050,000 Swedish krona.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of Riksgälden, the Swedish deposit guarantee authority.
The Financial Stability Authority is not party to any compensation processes.
More information: Riksgälden (Sweden)
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of MFSA, the Maltese deposit guarantee scheme.
The Financial Stability Authority is not party to any compensation processes.
More information: MFSA (Malta)
NOBA Bank Group accepts deposits both under the brand Nordax Bank, and through the Norwegian branch under the brand Bank Norwegian.
For the customers of the Nordax Bank deposits are protected up to 1 050 000 SEK. For the customers of the Norwegian branch Bank Norwegian deposits are protected up to 100 000 euros. For a customer with deposits in both the Nordax Bank and the Bank Norwegian, the maximum compensation amount in total is equivalent to 100 000 euros.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of Riksgälden, the Swedish deposit guarantee authority.
The Financial Stability Authority is not party to any compensation processes.
More information: Riksgälden (Sweden)
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of the Finnish deposit guarantee authority, i.e. the Financial Stability Authority.
For the depositors of foreign branches, in a compensation event the payment is executed by the deposit guarantee scheme of the country in question in accordance with the instructions issued by the Financial Stability Authority.
Nordea’s branches:
- Nordea Bank Abp Eesti filiaal
- Nordea Bank Abp filial i Sverige
- Nordea Bank Abp London branch
- Nordea Bank Abp Shanghai branch
- Nordea Bank Abp Spólka Akcyjna Oddzial w Polsce
- Nordea Bank Abp, filial i Norge
- Nordea Bank Abp, New York branch
- Nordea Danmark, Filial af Nordea Bank Abp, Finland
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of Riksgälden, the Swedish deposit guarantee authority.
In a compensation event, the FFSA executes the payment of compensation to the depositors of the Finnish branch in accordance with the instructions issued by the deposit guarantee scheme of the bank’s home country.
More information: Riksgälden (Sweden)
Deposits are guaranteed up to 1 050 000 Swedish crowns.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of Riksgälden, the Swedish deposit guarantee authority.
The Financial Stability Authority is not party to any compensation processes.
More information: Riksgälden (Sweden)
Deposits are guaranteed upt to 100 000 euros.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of Riksgälden., the Swedish deposit guarantee authority.
In a compensation event, the FFSA executes the payment of compensation to the depositors of the Finnish branch in accordance with the instructions issued by the deposit guarantee scheme of the bank’s home country.
More information: Riksgälden (Sweden)
Deposits with the member credit institutions of the OP Group are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of the Finnish deposit guarantee authority, i.e. the Financial Stability Authority.
For the depositors of the foreign branches in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, the payment of compensation is executed by the deposit guarantee scheme of the country in question in accordance with the instructions issued by the Financial Stability Authority.
The member credit institutions of the OP Group are listed on their website.
- OP Corporate Bank plc Eesti filiaal
- OP Corporate Bank plc filiale Latvija
- OP Corporate Bank plc Lietuvos filialas
Deposits with the member credit institutions of the POP Bank Group are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of the Finnish deposit guarantee authority, i.e. the Financial Stability Authority.
The member credit institutions of the POP Bank Group are listed on their website.
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of Deposit and Investment Insurance, the Lithuanian deposit guarantee authority.
In a compensation event, the FFSA executes the payment of compensation to the depositors of the Finnish branch in accordance with the instructions issued by the deposit guarantee scheme of the bank’s home country.
More information: Deposit and Investment Insurance (Lithuania)
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of Riksgälden, the Swedish deposit guarantee authority.
In a compensation event, the FFSA executes the payment of compensation to the depositors of the Finnish branch in accordance with the instructions issued by the deposit guarantee scheme of the bank’s home country.
More information: Riksgälden (Sweden)
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of Riksgälden, the Swedish deposit guarantee authority.
In a compensation event, the FFSA executes the payment of compensation to the depositors of the Finnish branch in accordance with the instructions issued by the deposit guarantee scheme of the bank’s home country.
More information: Riksgälden (Sweden)
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of the Finnish deposit guarantee authority, i.e. the Financial Stability Authority.
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of the Finnish deposit guarantee authority, i.e. the Financial Stability Authority.
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of Riksgälden, the Swedish deposit guarantee authority.
In a compensation event, the FFSA executes the payment of compensation to the depositors of the Finnish branch in accordance with the instructions issued by the deposit guarantee scheme of the bank’s home country.
More information: Riksgälden (Sweden)
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of Riksgälden, the Swedish deposit guarantee authority.
In a compensation event, the FFSA executes the payment of compensation to the depositors of the Finnish branch in accordance with the instructions issued by the deposit guarantee scheme of the bank’s home country.
More information: Riksgälden (Sweden)
Deposits with the Savings Banks Group member credit institutions are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of the Finnish deposit guarantee authority, i.e. the Financial Stability Authority.
Member credit institutions of the Savings Banks Group are listed on their website.
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of Riksgälden, the Swedish deposit guarantee authority.
In a compensation event, the FFSA executes the payment of compensation to the depositors of the Finnish branch in accordance with the instructions issued by the deposit guarantee scheme of the bank’s home country.
More information: Riksgälden (Sweden)
Deposits are guaranteed up to EUR 100,000.
The deposit guarantee is the responsibility of the Finnish deposit guarantee authority, i.e. the Financial Stability Authority.
For the depositors of the Swedish branch, in a compensation event the payment of compensation is executed by Riksgälden in accordance with the instructions issued by the Financial Stability Authority.
The group’s member banks:
- Ålandsbanken Finland
- Ålandsbanken Abp, Swedish filial