FFSA's sustainability report 2022 is published

Publication date 14.3.2023 10.36
Press release

The second sustainability report of the Financial Stability Authority is complete. The report reviews the steps of progress taken by the Authority in 2022. The sustainability efforts are geared to supporting development towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals that are relevant for the Authority.

  • The goal to eradicate poverty in all its forms everywhere (UN goal 1) – Through its function related to the new national backup account system, the Authority reduces the exposure of those in vulnerable situations to shocks and disasters by guaranteeing the supply of daily payment services also in times of serious disruption and state of emergency.
  • The goal of decent work and economic growth (UN goal 8) – The Authority, in close cooperation with institutions, prepares for the escalation of problem situations by identifying and eliminating potential hindrances to resolution.  Hence, the collapse of an institution, or a threatened collapse, can be dealt with in a controlled manner whilst avoiding negative impacts on society and economic growth.
  • Reduced inequality (UN goal 10) – The Authority is actively involved in the development of both national and EU legislation. The goal is to further improve the effectiveness and appropriateness of the regulatory framework.
  • Responsible consumption (UN goal 12) – The Authority takes the sustainability goals into account in its own procurement and seeks to influence the externalities of its procurement.

The most significant identified adverse impacts of the operations of the Authority result from business travel, office premises, equipment, services and the use of paper. One of the most significant steps of progress in 2022 was the switch to the electronic case management system. 

The sustainability report 2022 on the Financial Stability Authority’s website
The sustainability report 2022 in pdf format
UN Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030)

More information: Chief Economist Hanna Westman firstname.lastname(at)rvv.fi


Read more about the FFSA's current topics on the Authority’s website

Authority Press release